Name: Juraj Oravský
born on May 1, 1970 in Bratislava,
took on October 5, 1993
the General State Language Examination pursuant to the Ministry of Education and Culture Directives dated December 14, 1967, no. 39270/67-III/2 in the
G e r m a n language
with the overall result: excellent (1)
In Bratislava this October 7, 1993
Doc. PhDr. Ivan Slimák, CSc. Doc. PhDr. Eva Szehérová, CSc.,
Dean Chair of the Examination Board
Philosophical Faculty, Comenius University, Bratislava
Rating scale: excellent (1) very
(2) good (3) good failed (4)
I certify that the submitted document is a verbatim copy of the submitted original consisting of 1 sheet of paper. The copy is complete, containing no changes, additions, insertions, deletions or corrections of any discrepancies as against the submitted original. In Bratislava this November 10, 1999. Signed, Nada Fleischhackerová, employee authorized by JUDr. Dagmar Rojková, notary public in and for the City of Bratislava. Seal: JUDr. Dagmar Rojková, notary public, Bratislava
Tlmocnícka doložka: Translator's clause:
Ako tlmocník anglického a španielskeho jazyka, zapísaný v zozname Krajského súdu v Bratislave,
menovaný rozhodnutím Mestského súdu v Bratislave c. Spr. 3361/82 zo dna 19. marca 1982,
potvrdzujem, že tento preklad verne zodpovedá zneniu pripojenej listiny. Tlmocnícky úkon je
zapísaný v tlmocníckom denníku pod por. c. 141/99.
I, Miroslav Bázlik, official Slovak translator of the English and Spanish languages, listed
with the Regional Court, Bratislava, appointed by the Municipal Court in Bratislava, decree
Spr. No. 3361/82 dated March 19, 1982, do hereby certify that the forgoing is a true
translation of the document hereunto annexed. This translation is registered in the translator's
diary under # 141/99.
November 12, 1999