Mr. Andreas Grabner, Siemens Austria.
Senior Project Manager for Sinaut Spectrum and new Database Projects in Austria.
Sinaut Spectrum is the Product of Siemens for Energy Management Systems.
Headed Database Projects and Support for all releases of Sinaut Spectrum.
Supervised my projects for Columbian and German customers.
e-mail: andreas.grabner@siemens.at
tel. : ++ 43 5 1707 45 995

Mr. Josef Bader, Siemens Austria.
Senior Project Manager for Sinaut Spectrum Customer Care and Deployment Projects.
Headed 2 years Project for Customer Power Grid in Singapore.
Supervised my projects for Singaporian customer.
e-mail: josef.bader@siemens.at
tel. : ++ 43 5 1707 46 378

Mr. Tudor Serea, Reuters Switzerland.
Senior Product Manager for Retail Financial Solutions.
Supervised my project for new XML interface to Reuters Market Monitor Online Service.
e-mail: tudor.serea@reuters.com
tel. : ++ 41 22 718 27 12

Mr. Ondrej Segec, SWH Slovakia.
Senior Project Manager for Sinaut Spectrum in Slovakia.
Supervised projects for X25 communication and its GUI representation for Sinaut Spectrum.
Supervised my project of Graphical User Interface for Energy Management
e-mail: ondrej.segec@swh.sk
tel. : ++ 421 7 59 68 41 01