Duro OravskyProjects


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SWH SIEMENS Business Services Ltd 

Siemens is international corporation and technological leader in Energy Management Software products.

Project  Dynamic Web Pages with XML and  XSL Transformations
Duration  2 months
Customer  Reuters, Switzerland
OS   Unix SUN Solaris 2.7 with CDE 1.3 and Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 6
Reference  Reuters
Description I was selected for mutual project of Siemens and Reuters to work for 2 months on site in Switzerland. The task was to analyze the data flow and to create a working prototype enabling to add a search feature to Reuters Market Monitor Product . The User Interface of this add-in feature was written in HTML and JavaScript using CSS Style sheets. The results, after querying a remote database which replied in XML, were processed with help of XSLT processor to produce a fully XHTML compliant web page. Within tough deadlines I was able to accomplish a functioning prototype to full satisfaction of Reuters.

Project  Tran$Mart Energy Management System, Oracle Forms and PL/SQL Development
Duration  6 months
Customer  Siemens, Austria
OS   Windows NT 4.0, Service Pack 5
Reference  Siemens
Description Within only 6 months I and my colleague, we Prototyped and Developed new add-ins for Distributed European Energy Management System, based on North American Model, using Oracle Developer 2000, PL/SQL and Perl. 
I was in charge of several DBA tasks on Windows NT including creation of DB, table spaces, tables and other DB objects, as well as backup and recovery tasks.
Major part of the Development included creating the Architectural Design and developing GUI with the help of FORMS and extensive PL/SQL scripting.
The Project was halted in the middle of development due to problems with financial backing.

Project  Sinaut Spectrum Energy Management, Oracle Forms Maintenance
Duration  1month
Customer  EPM, Colombia
OS   Unix SUN Solaris 2.5 
Reference  Siemens
Description As a part of delivery team for columbian customer, I was selected to perform the final customization on site in the city of Medellin, Colombia.
Within the one month, I solved all reported problems that involved ORACLE products, including Forms and PL/SQL packages and triggers.
I also provided two full day  courses for local operators on operating ORACLE Forms screens.

Project  Sinaut Spectrum Energy Management, Oracle Forms and PL/SQL Development
Duration  8 months
Customer  PowerGrid, Singapore
OS   Unix SUN Solaris 2.6 with CDE 1.2
Reference  Siemens

I was responsible for conversion of an old text mode utility to new Oracle Forms GUI utility with the same functionality. I was in charge of Writing an 100 pages Architectural Design and  Developing sophisticated Oracle GUI application, which was extending ORACLE Forms part of Siemens Energy Management Systems using Forms, SQL, PL/SQL, C, Pro*C, Pascal, and C-Shell scripts on SUN Solaris UNIX
I also supported the product delivery team with minor DBA tasks and small improvements.
The project finished within a deadline to full satisfaction of the Singaporean customer, because I also developed extra new features extending the original functionality.

Project  Sinaut Spectrum Energy Management, Oracle PL/SQL Development
Duration  8 months
Customer  Siemens, Germany
OS   Unix SUN Solaris 2.6 with CDE 1.2
Reference  Siemens
Description As a part of 4 men team, we Developed and Maintained Oracle GUI application, which was extending proprietary Siemens Energy Management Systems using , SQL, PL/SQL, C, Pro*C, Pascal, and C-Shell scripts on SUN Solaris UNIX
I was responsible for creation and maintenance of tables, PL/SQL triggers and packages, as well as for PL/SQL code within the Oracle Forms.
I delivered the final application on behalf of the whole team at site in Nuremberg, Germany to the full satisfaction of the customer.

Project  Department Web Pages in Corporate Style
Duration  2 months
Customer  SWH Siemens Business Services, Slovakia
OS   Unix SUN Solaris 2.6 with CDE 1.2
Reference  Siemens

I analyzed the department's needs and developed over 20 Department Web Pages, serving to department of more then 50 people within our company.
 I used HTML, JavaScript, CGI scripts and C-shell scripts to maintain the pages.
I was responsible for maintaining the Web Pages and later I assisted the new web master in maintaining the site and developing new database driven features with PHP, Oracle DB, and


Chocolate Multimedia Production 

Chocolate Multimedia Production Ltd is small, fast expanding company producing educational CD-ROMs for German and North American market.

Project   4 CD-ROMs of Mathematics Trainer for High School students.
Duration  4 months
Customer  Chocolate Multimedia Production 
OS   Windows 95
Reference  Chocolate Multimedia  
Description I was responsible for creating of over 50 MathCAD mathematical animations
analyzing and creating of more then 200 graphical interpretation of mathematical examples as well as for Quality Assurance of over 1000 included mathematical examples. I also was a part of delivery team preparing the final Macromedia's Director source code 
The product obtained official approval of Ministry of Education of Austria and continue to be sold all over Austria.


Infostat - Institute for Informatics and Statistics 

Infostat is National Statistics Agency of Slovakia, covering major part of governmental statistical researches.

Project  Distributed Economical Data Collection and Processing based on PC technology.
Duration  18 months
Customer  Infostat, National Statistics Agency of Slovakia 
OS   Windows 95
Reference  Infostat
Description I Designed, Created and Maintained Text Mode Graphical User Interface with 14 sophisticated screens, that was supporting PC processing of economical data obtained by National Statistics Agency of Slovakia during questionnaire distribution .
I Administered local 3GL Databases, based on C programming and Clipper DB technology, at all collecting points.
I Performed extensive DOS batch scripting for administration and installation purposes.


 This is a personal web page of Juraj Duro Oravsky. 
 Feel free to contact me: duro@oravsky.com

This page was last updated on  Tuesday April 24, 2001