Duro OravskySchool Leaving Exam


Professional Profile
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Translation from Slovak


School: Jur Hronec Grammar School
Discipline of study: 79-02-5 Grammar School
Specialization: 02 Mathematics and Physics
Form of study: full-time
School year: 1987/88 Class: fourth B Examination protocol no.: 21

School-Leaving Examination Certificate

Name and surname: Juraj Oravský
Day, month, year of birth: 1st May 1970; 
Birth reg. no
.: 70 05 01 62 27; 
Place of birth: Bratislava; District: Bratislava; 
: Slovak; 
Citizenship: Czechoslovak Socialist Republic

The School-Leaving Examination was taken in accordance with the Ministry of Education of the Slovak Socialist Republic Decree no. 38/1987 on terminating the study in secondary schools and on terminating the preparation in vocational and apprenticeship schools.

The student took the School-Leaving Examination as follows:

Slovak language and literature with the result: excellent
Russian language with the result: excellent
Mathematics with the result: excellent
Programming with the result: excellent
Physics with the result: excellent

Overall evaluation: passed with honours

In Bratislava this June 4, 1988

Illegible signature, headmaster; Illegible signature: chair of the examination board; 
Illegible signature, formmaster
Seal: Jur Hronec Grammar School, Novohradská ul., Bratislava

Pursuant to Art. 15 of Act No. 29/1984 on the measures adopted in the system of basic and secondary schools, the graduate of the grammar school providing preparation in the foundations of programming and computer systems can immediately, or after some initial training, be employed in the positions requiring complete secondary education (formerly also the complete secondary technical education.
In Bratislava this June 4, 1988. Illegible signature. Seal: Jur Hronec Grammar School, Novohradská ul., Bratislava

Rating scale: excellent - very good - good - satisfactory - unsatisfactory
Overall evaluation scale: passed with honours - passed very well - passed

I certify that the submitted document is a verbatim copy of the submitted original consisting of 1 sheet of paper. The copy is complete, containing no changes, additions, insertions, deletions or corrections of any discrepancies as against the submitted original. In Bratislava this November 10, 1999. Signed, Nada Fleischhackerová, employee authorized by JUDr. Dagmar Rojková, notary public in and for the City of Bratislava. Seal: JUDr. Dagmar Rojková, notary public, Bratislava

Tlmocnícka doložka: Translator's clause:
Ako tlmocník anglického a španielskeho jazyka,  zapísaný v zozname Krajského súdu v Bratislave, 
menovaný rozhodnutím Mestského súdu v Bratislave c. Spr. 3361/82 zo dna 19. marca 1982,
potvrdzujem, že tento preklad verne zodpovedá zneniu pripojenej listiny. Tlmocnícky úkon je 
zapísaný v tlmocníckom denníku pod por. c. 141/99. 

I, Miroslav Bázlik, official Slovak translator of the English and Spanish languages, listed with the Regional Court, Bratislava, appointed  by the Municipal Court in Bratislava, decree Spr. No. 3361/82 dated March 19, 1982, do hereby certify that the forgoing is a true trans lation of the document hereunto annexed. This translation is registered in the translator's 
diary under # 141/99.


 This is a personal web page of Juraj Duro Oravsky. 
 Feel free to contact me: duro@oravsky.com

This page was last updated on  Sunday January 07, 2001